Volunteer Barber Provides Free Haircuts to Seniors

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Volunteer Barber Provides Free Haircuts to Seniors

 February 13, 2022
Volunteer Barber Provides Free Haircuts to Seniors
Zhao Yajuan cuts hair for an elderly man.


Zhao Yajuan, a native of Huli (a district in Xiamen, a city in Southeast China's Fujian Province), has become known far and wide in recent years. During the past decade, she has led members of the Long Love Volunteers' Group in providing (for free) haircuts to seniors (who are aged 65 or better), disabled residents and street cleaners.

As she visited, as a volunteer, an elderly empty nester (elder whose children left home to work elsewhere) in Jinshang (a community in Huli) in October 2007, Zhao discovered the elderly woman had a hard time going out alone. Within a short time, Zhao, who was an experienced barber, began providing (for free) haircuts to seniors and elderly empty nesters, who had a hard time (especially due to disease) getting around.

In 2010, Zhao set up an eight-member team, which provided (for free) haircuts to seniors in Huli. The following year, she established the Long love Volunteers' Group. Zhao was pleased that more and more residents joined the group. However, as she led (later in 2011) her team's members in serving seniors, who lived in a home for the elderly, she realized she should increase the number of the group's members, so they could provide better services, and to more residents. Within a short time, Zhao began encouraging barber shops, hair salons and other organizations to join the group in cutting elderly residents' hair free of charge.

In December 2014, Zhao initiated a project, under which members of the group and more than 100 organizations (including hair salons, psychological counseling organizations and healthcare-service organizations) in Xiamen provided (for free on every Wednesday) various services to seniors, disabled residents and street cleaners. More than 1,000 elderly residents benefited from the project every month.

In March 2020, Zhao and three other barbers provided (for free) haircuts to more than 50 doctors and nurses with Xiamen Hospital of TCM (traditional Chinese medicine), who served on the anti-epidemic "battlefield." The doctors and nurses were grateful to the barbers, as short hair not only saved them the trouble of washing their hair frequently, but it also helped reduce the infection rate of COVID-19.

So far, more than 2,000 residents have joined Zhao's group. Zhao says, "We found joy in helping others. We hope more warmhearted people will join us in providing various services to residents."


Photo Supplied by  the Interviewee

(Women of China English Monthly December 2021 issue)


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